How My Train Jumped All 8 Tracks or Elvis Cool To Truck Stop Cruel Program 3
by Keith Wright
[Kay is blaring “Promised Land” by Elvis Presley on 8-track
through the car’s stereo…the car that is travelling upside
down on the ceiling of the Midtown Tunnel, Queens, NYC]
Jay: You do know Elvis is dead, right?
Kay: No, Elvis is not dead. He just went home.
(From the movie, Men In Black)
The story so far: the work in magnetic recording started by
Oberlin Smith and given form by Valdemar Poulsen in the
late 1800s eventually leads us to George Eash’s “Fidelipac”
of the 1950s. This self-contained infinite loop of magnetic
tape was used in radio into the 1990s and also turned
into a system to play pre-recorded music by the TV entrepreneur
and “master used car salesman of all time”, Earl
“Madman” Muntz. His 4-track “Stereo Pak” (2 programs of
2-channel stereo), despite Muntz, doesn’t become “the first
widely successful consumer tape format”. Unfortunately for
the Madman, Lear’s daughter, Shanda (I kid you not) takes
Bill Lear for a ride in a 4-track equipped car borrowed from
Muntz’s son. Lear immediately signs on as a dealer, loads
his car with Stereo Pak ‘stuff’ and promptly ‘improves’ the
design. Then, with a little help from Alexander M. Poniatoff
of Ampex and an assist from RCA for content, 8-track
players are installed in Lear jets and in 1966 Ford Fairlanes
and Mustangs. Sales take off like airplanes.
But, what goes up must come down.
Now, once again lean back, push the cart into the machine
and give free reign to that sound in your head. The cart has
reached the sensing-foil to change programs. Here we go to
program 3. Let it happen. No one will know...
Program 3 – Rise and Fall or Space Age to Crash Landing
In my last article I detailed how the 8-track tape evolved
out of the Muntz 4-track Stereo Pak and also gave a bit of
the flavour of the flamboyant meteoric character that was
William Powell Lear. In part 3 we discuss the rise…and fall
of the 8-track.
Although the 8-track today is dismissed as a failure and
is somewhat of a joke, from a contemporary standpoint it
was a huge success. It truly was the first tape format to
achieve a mass market and sales of ‘carts’ (as the cartridge
is known to enthusiasts) grew spectacularly from the early
1960s through the 1970s. While most of this was due to
the 8-track, some labels continued to issue 4-tracks into the
1970s. I did mention that there was a brief unsuccessful
competitor called ‘Playtape’ but Bernard Cousino also had
a crack with the “Orrtronic 8-track”. Cousino, arguably
the font of much of our cart technology, had a measure
of success with his Echomatic cartridge in the 1960s as
a “point of sale” or educational a-v technology. Looking
for greener fields, Cousino had in the early 1960s linked
up with Alabama entrepreneur and firebrand John Herbert
Orr and the two cooked up a new firm, called Orrtronics,
which was to be a company that made a background music
system based on the old Echomatic cartridge. While Ford
debated the adoption of the Lear cartridge in 1965, Champion
Spark Plug funded the development at Orrtronics of
a competing system, the ill-fated “Orrtronic 8-Track”, a
better-sounding but commercially unsuccessful response to
Lear’s cart. (from Morton)
The space age turned the Weltron portable 8-track player
from this… (image Author’s collection)
…into this icon of design.
(1972 advert, image Author’s collection)
“Lear was very tight with Henry Clay Ford. I remember when
they brought Ford’s personal black Lincoln to the plant in a
semi…it was a really neat installation.
“Another one of the interesting car installations was in
1965. We showed up at work and everyone was gathered
around a car… it was Elvis Presley’s gold Cadillac from RCA
Records. We put two 8-track players in it and about eight
speakers.” (From an interview with Lear employee, Frank
Schmidt by Abigail Lavine.) [Elvis cool!]
Even though the origins of the 8-track have been clearly set
out in my articles, as befits such a colourful format there is
an…“alternate” version of its invention.
“Reports of UFO sightings followed all that summer [1964]…
But then maybe the strangest thing of all happened. In the
fall of 1964, late at night in a dark laboratory in Southern
California, William Powell Lear gave birth to the 8-track
“One does not have to be a disciple of fringe to begin to
suspect that, indeed, something was and is up. And the
deeper one looks, the weirder it gets. For starters, Bill
Lear’s son, Bill Jr., a well-respected pilot, reports on his
very own Close Encounter… Bill Lear’s younger son, John,
also highly honored and regarded in the aviation world, is
now a noted UFOlogist and publically states that on April
30, 1964, the aliens agreed to provide technology and we
agreed to overlook the abductions, the messing up of our
cattle, crop circles and whatever other sinister stuff they
wanted to do. John Lear was written out of his father’s will.
Quad (Quadrophonic) would later be called 4.0 surround
sound and have “twice the quality of stereo”. The technology
debuted in 1971 and was “really good when played on the right
system”. The 8-track was an ideal vehicle for this “cutting edge”
technology. (image and quotes courtesy of Wonderful Engineering)
“Was Bill Lear in cahoots with the government all along?
Was he being fed the goods on alien technology and passing
off all those inventions as his own? ...
“Is it possible that Learjet technology was over Bill’s own
head? …
“It’s just too ugly to consider the notion that the 8-track
was passed to Bill Lear as part of some alien mind control
plan. I prefer to think that maybe 8-track slipped through
the cosmic crack. That a whole, good-spirited band of alien
trackers somehow managed to sneak the 8-track to us,
knowing that at some point down the line there would be
others here on Earth who would come to know that they
know we know. And this knowledge alone may be enough
to sustain us.”(Jean Erhardt)
Maybe 8-tracks weren’t alien technology but by the end of
the 60s and into the early 70s there certainly was a touch
of the future about them. On July 20, 1969, the human
race arguably accomplished its single greatest technological
achievement of all time when a human first set foot on
another celestial body. The event ushered in ‘the space age’
and the following year there was an explosion of products
brought out based on ‘space’. Some of the most soughtafter
8-track players are among them. (I will mention
‘collectable players’ in my future ‘Program 4’ article.)
The next step for 8-track was essentially to become a very
early version of “home theatre”. Quadraphonic (or Quadrophonic
and sometimes Quadrasonic) sound was similar to
what is now called 4.0 surround sound. RCA Records in
April 1970, announced a 4-channel version of the 8-track
tape, named Quad-8 or Quadraphonic 8-Track Tape (later
shortened to just Q8). These eventually appeared in Sept.
1970 with automobile players as well as home versions. The
8-track was perfect for true (called “discrete”) 4.0 sound as
the 8 tracks on the 8-track cart could hold 2 programs of
4 discrete channels of sound. An original 8-track had, of
course, 4 programs of 2-channel stereo.
The format was almost identical in appearance to stereo
8-tracks, except for a small sensing notch in the upper
left corner of the cartridge. This signaled a quadraphonic
8-track player to combine the odd tracks as audio channels
for Program 1, and the even tracks as channels for Program
2. The format was not backward-compatible with stereo or
mono players; although quadraphonic players would play
stereo 8-tracks, playing quadraphonic tapes on stereo
players resulted in hearing only one-half the channels at
a time.
Interior of an 8-track cart showing the endless loop with the
tape being pulled from the center. The pinch roller (one of
Lear’s “improvements” over the 4-track) that can get too hard or
become gummy is in the upper right hand corner. The pressure
foam, which can also deteriorate (and has in this cart), is just
below the tape at the top left-center. The sensing foil is a bright
line within the wound tape. Hard core “trackers” know how to
open all carts and replace parts as required—with chewing gum
foil and insulating foam (more to come in part 4).
(image courtesy of the author)
The last release in the quadraphonic 8-track format was in
1978, although most had stopped appearing by the end
of 1976. Interestingly enough, Dolby Surround was introduced
to the public in 1982.
8-track had hit its zenith. [Cue ominous music] The fall was
swift and had multiple causes.
The first was…just the way the 8-track was developed. By
putting twice as many tracks (8) on the same width tape,
each track must be thinner and the songs can “bleed”
over if the tape is misaligned. Other problems, such as
tape wear and loud changes between programs didn’t help
and neither did the inability to rewind. You can’t rewind
when the tape is being pulled out from the centre of the
spool. And it was only later “high end” machines that could
fast-forward. No wonder you had trouble finding and playing
the songs you actually wanted to hear. Recording was also
a latter addition.
I’m not sure if it was a problem contemporary to the original
life of the 8-track but many of the carts have not aged
well. There can be problems with pinch rollers, capstans
and pressure foam—all because of the ‘improvements’
made by Lear over the Stereo Pak, which were ostensibly
to decrease the cost of the players. The 4-track cart had
a hole where the wheel from the player would insert to
engage and move the tape along. The 8-track has the roller
on board and depending on the material it was made of, it
later could have become hard or worse it could have broken
down and begun to leave a gummy mess that destroyed the
tape and required cleaning of the player. (Be wary of old
Ampex carts!)
The second cause of the 8-track demise was the compact
cassette tape. It evolved in Europe for use with small,
battery operated player/recorders (like the Norelco Carry-
Corder 150), which did not depend upon cars for their
portability. Although invented (like the wax cylinder) for
recording, the commercial potential of pre-recorded software
was nevertheless not overlooked. Developed by the
Norelco and Philips companies, cassettes were marketed
worldwide (Philips of course fifteen years later combined
with Sony in the invention of the compact disc, thereby
being involved in both halves of the one-two punch that
destroyed vinyl record sales). They were test-marketed in
Britain and other parts of Europe in 1966, more than a
year before their introduction to North America. In fact in
the UK, with their head-start, compact cassettes initially
outsold 8-track but the latter surged and as Billboard
pointed out in 1971, “8-track is set to overtake cassette as
the primary prerecorded tape system in the UK…the growth
of the automotive tape market [is blamed] for the sudden
surge in 8-track sales.”
Cassettes were originally disdained by audio critics as very
low-end technology, even compared to 8-tracks. (“So
far the 8-track cartridge is superior to the cassette for
music…” Billboard, 1973.) The tracks themselves (the
portion of the magnetic tape holding the information) were
only half as wide as those on 8-tracks, and cassette tape
moved at half of 8-track’s speed, combining for a very low
perceived potential for sound reproduction. However, the
cassette format offered a number of features that found
favor with consumers more interested in convenience and
versatility than high-end sound reproduction. Cassettes
were inexpensive (blanks then sold for between $1 and $2
U.S.), players were portable and could record as well as
play, and the tapes were smaller and yet could hold more
music (up to ninety minutes, and later a full two hours)
than preceding formats. (I show classes an 8-track and a
compact cassette and ask which would was more convenient
to carry.) They came out-of-the gate with fast-forward
and…gasp(!)…rewind. The final shot in the arm that effectively
made cassettes a part of world audio culture was the
development of two new battery-run cassette machines—
the Sony Walkman (which began life as the “Sound-About”)
and the so-called “ghetto blaster” or “boom box”, both of
which became available in the late seventies.
The Norelco Carry-Corder was in the vanguard of the compactcassette’s
North American invasion. Recording was initially
thought to be a key offering but pre-recorded music took over.
(image courtesy of the author)
The original, highly-portable Sony Walkman using compactcassette
accelerated the 8-track’s demise.
(image courtesy of the author)
As time proved the tenacity of the cassette format, engineers
endeavored to improve its quality—including Dolby
A, B and C noise-reduction to decrease “tape hiss”—and
eventually elevated cassettes to the rarefied air of high-end
audio. “By 1975, the 8-track format began its steady
freefall. Many car stereos now had options for cassettes,
which were easier to play than 8-tracks, and didn’t split
songs from one program to the next… The 1970s was
also the era of the Energy Crisis and oil embargoes, and
the tape and shells of 8-tracks were made from expensive
petroleum-based plastics – that made the 8-tracks more
expensive than cassettes, which used less plastics in their
construction.” (Chuck Miller)
By 1984, sales of cassettes even exceeded that of vinyl
It has been suggested that another cause of the 8-track’s
demise was that the resources for its improvement were
taken up by the Elcaset. This new tape format would have
had the shape of a compact cassette but would have had
tape the width of reel-to-reel (like 8-track—1/4” vs 1/8” of
the compact cassette) and run at twice the speed. Include
not dividing the tape into 8 tracks and it would have given
performance comparable to reel-to-reel tape, which at the
time was considered the ultimate by audiophiles. However,
the major recording companies must have been getting
fatigued with releasing titles on multiple formats at this
point as none was really enthusiastic about Elcaset and
it was dead by 1980. The initial research had begun by
Panasonic, Sony, and Teac in 1976 ostensibly because it
was felt at the time that the compact cassette was never
likely to be capable of audiophile performance.
Despite their drop in popularity, 8-tracks survived into the
1980s. The last 8-tracks released by a record company
were sold in 1983, but the Columbia Record and Tape Club
still had 8-tracks as a selectable subscription option until
1987. This meant you could still get a copy of Chicago
“XIX”, George Harrison’s “Cloud Nine” or Michael Jackson’s
“Bad” on 8-track – as long as you ordered six more records
over the next three years, and sent back those monthly
subscription cards on time.
As of 1987 8-track was dead. However, there are numerous
stories about travellers finding 8-track tapes still for sale in
truck stops years later. […to truck stop cruel] my ultimate 8-track article I will tell you of 8-track’s
strange, lingering afterlife.
- You Really Got Me: An Illustrated World Discography of
the Kinks, Doug Hinman and Jason Brabazon, Douglas
E Hinman Special edition, July 1994.
- "A History of Endless Loop Magnetic Recording Technology
in the United States", David Morton, 8-Track
Mind (online magazine), 1995 (revised for the Web)
Page no longer accessible. (KW archived copy)
- "Dead Medium: the Elcaset cartridge tape and player",
David Morton.
- "Interview with Frank Schmidt", Abigail Lavine, 8-track
Heaven website. Page no longer accessible. (KW
archived copy)
- "Saucer Stories and the Lear Family", Jean Erhardt,
8-track Heaven website. Page no longer accessible.
(KW archived copy)
- "John Lear: Mind-Blowing Material About 9/11, UFO's,
And Aliens", Youtube video.
- "Paying Tribute to the 8-Track Tape", Chuck Miller blog,
February 15, 2011 at 6:00 AM.
- "A Short History of the Cassette", From: The Cassette
Mythos, Autonomedia 1990. Wayback archived copy.
- Stormy Genius, The Life of Aviation's Maverick Bill Lear,
Richard Rashke, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1985.
- 10 Breakthrough Technologies That Ultimately Failed
To Get Popular", Wonderful Engineering.
- Playback: From the Victrola to MP3, 100 Years of Music,
Machines, and Money, Mark Coleman, Da Capo Press,
New York, 2005.
- "A Brief History of The Walkman", Meaghan Haire,
Time, Wednesday, July 01, 2009.
- "8-track Surges in UK; Could Overtake Cassette", Billboard,
November 13, 1971.
- "Innovations Spark Player, Tape Sales", Billboard, March
3, 1973.
- "Reason Number 3 For the Drop in Music Sales Availability-
Too Little or Wrong Format", Ghost Who Still Walks.