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Antique Phonograph News
Canadian Antique Phonograph Society

Initial photocopied issues
29 issues

1st masthead
48 issues

2nd masthead
52 issues

3rd masthead, 2-tone cover
91 issues

Full colour 2021-
37 issues

To purchase an issue in PDF format


All issues are available.


From the Antique Phonograph News menu on the left, click 1982-2025
and peruse the contents of magazines by year.
Selected articles can be read directly by clicking a linked title.
Or search the Index for a specific article sorted by subject.
There are two reports: a History of articles sorted by date
and a listing of articles sorted by Author.


Make a note of the publication month and year of the desired issue(s).
For example, Jun 1991, Jan-Feb 2009, Winter 2016.


Click the Buy Now button to order. Each issue is $2.50 CAD.


Enter the number of issues in the Quantity box and
complete the order using a PayPal account or credit card.

Purchase issues of
Antique Phonograph News


Email info@capsnews.org with a list of the desired issues.


Upon receipt of your order, CAPS will email you the requested magazines.


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