
Talking Machine World, December 15, 1917, p. 39: "The department in connection with the George McLagan Furniture Co., Ltd., Stratford, Ont., have decided on the name Lyric for their line of phonographs and have arranged to distribute Lyric records in Canada."

Talking Machine World, March 15, 1920, p. 71: "The Lyraphone Co. of America, Newark, N. J., manufacturers of the well-known Lyric lateral record, early this month opened a new factory in Toronto, Canada. While the factory is already in operation, much equipment is being added, and when the capacity of the plant is reached there will be over seventy record presses in service. The Lyraphone Co. tell of a constant increase in the demands for their products during the past few months, and for some time they have felt the necessity for opening a Canadian plant, in order to better care for dealers there. In addition to the above, the Newark plant of the concern is being equipped with many new presses and some of these are of an improved type which will almost double the present daily output of records."

Canadian Music Trades Journal, November, 1917, p. 53 and December, 1917, p. 27.

CMTJ, April, 1918, p. 28 and June, 1918, p. 9.

Toronto Daily Star, July 24, 1924, p. 29.

A Lyric phonograph for sale on FB Marketplace in 2023.

Another Lyric phonograph for sale on FB Marketplace in 2023 in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

A Lyric phonograph, originally sold by Heintzman & Co. Limited, Toronto, for sale through Facebook Marketplace in Brant, Ontario in 2024.

A Lyric phonograph for sale on Craigslist in Vancouver in 2023.

A Lyric phonograph for sale on FB Marketplace in Winnipeg in 2023.

A Lyric phonograph for sale in Mississauga, Ontario in 2023.
