
Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, December 1919, p. 56: "The Voice-O-Phone Co. and American Phonograph Co., have been registered at Toronto."

Talking Machine World, January 1920. "The Voice -O -Phone Co., and also the Phonograph Specialties, Ltd., have incorporated, capital $150,000."

An advertisement in The Globe newspaper dated September 4, 1919, p. 17 is the first mention of the Voice-O-Phone Co. at 246 Adelaide Street West in Toronto:

A second advertisement in the Toronto Daily Star dated October 30, 1920, p. 22 seeks agents to sell the Voice-O-Phone gramophone. The company has moved to 1 Adelaide Street East in Toronto.

The Trader, Official Publication of The Canadian Jeweler, November 1920, p. 105.

Steve Redman supplies photographs of a table-top machine labelled "Voice-O-Phone", Made in Canada, Toronto. Steve writes: "there is little information about this brand, but because of the Silvertone reproducer and the similarity to other Silvertone machines, it's a good bet that they were a small furniture manufacturer that for a short time subcontracted for Sears".

The Trader (Canadian Jeweler), October 1920, p. 73.

A Voice-O-Phone piano-style phonograph submitted to the Canadian Antique Phonograph Society Facebook Forum by Liliane Audet.
