Edward Moogk's Roll Back The Years
on p. 63 states: "...at 406-408
[Yonge St., Toronto] the Canadian Symphonola Co. Ltd.
was promoting the symphonola [sic] as Canada's
"premier phonograph." The company also
advertised a line of Imperial double-disc records,
though there is some doubt that they were ever issued,
despite claims of a 1,500-title catalogue."
Canadian Furniture and the Undertaker, April 1917, p. 44: "One of the latest firms organized to manufacture talking machines is the Canadian Symnhonola Co.. Ltd. This firm is capitalized at $50,000. and the head offices are to be at 406 Yonge Street, the address of Win. Long, a Toronto piano dealer. Associated with Mr. Long in the organization of the above named firm are his brother, A. Long, John W. Dyer, and J. H. McDonald.
It is the Company's purpose to have their designs on the market early in April. These are to run from $60 to $150 retail. Tho Symphonola is to play any record, and will be wholesaled throughout Canada."
Canadian Music Trades Journal, July 1917, p. 53: "Canadian Symphonola Co., Ltd., Toronto, are now located in their own factory. This premises recently purchased by Mr. Wm. Long, president of the Symphonola firm, are located at 31 to 37 Brock Ave, and have a floor space of 35,000 feet. Being already fitted up as a woodworking plant, it was ready for the immediate occupancy of the new proprietors."
Talking Machine World, July, 1917, p. 39: "The Canadian Symphonola Co., Ltd., are now established in their new factory at 31 Brock Avenue, Toronto, where the head offices of the
company are located. Wm. Long, president of this concern, has just recently completed negotiations whereby the company will in future manufacture cabinets in their own factory, and
will also manufacture for the trade. The premises have a frontage of eighty feet on Brock Avenue and forty-five feet on Noble street, being L-shaped. The factory is well equipped with an up-to-date woodworking plant."
Canadian Music Trades Journal, October 1917, p. 65: "The Symphonola is a Canadian made phonograph manufactured in Toronto by the Canadian Symphonola Co., Ltd."
Talking Machine World, October, 1917, p. 42: "The Montreal Symphonola Co. (registered, A. K. Kempton and H. A. Bemister) have opened up an office in Montreal in the Mappin & Webb Building for the wholesaling of the Symphonola, a Canadian-made machine."
Canadian Furniture and the Undertaker, November 1917, p. 48: "The Montreal Symphonola Co., has recently been registered and opened up an office in the Mappin & Webb Building, Montreal, for the wholesaling of the Symphonola, manufactured by the Canadian Symphonola Co. Ltd., of Toronto. "
Canadian Furniture and the Undertaker, November 1917, p. 48: "The Canadian Symphonola Co. Ltd., of Toronto, announce the addition of another model to their line of phonographs. This is designated Style "C" Special, and retails at $64 in fumed oak and $67 in mahogany."
Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, April 1918, p52: "PRESIDENT OF CANADIAN SYMPHONOLA COMPANY HAS HAD EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE - The president of the Canadian Symphonola Talking Machine Co. Ltd., whose plant is located on Brock Ave., Toronto, is Mr. William Long, who has had extensive experience in the piano business. Prior to going into the manufacture of talking machines, Mr. Long spent a good deal of time and money studying the intricacies of the talking machine, in order to perfect a sound-chamber and get the correct proportions for his machines before starting to manufacture them. Before entering the selling end of the piano business Mr. Long had a number of years of practical experience in the piano business, so that he is well qualified to direct both the manufacturing and selling activities of the Canadian Symphonola Company."
Talking Machine World, August 15, 1919, p. 115: "Canadian Symphonola Co., Ltd., Toronto, have decided to increase their capital stock from $50,000 to $150,000 and have also made a number of factory alterations and improvements. The millroom has been enlarged and the dry kiln, which was formerly in the main factory, is being removed to a separate building. Mr. Long, president of the Canadian Symphonola Co., Ltd., in conversation with our correspondent, predicted that the coming autumn would see the usual scramble for goods greatly intensified and his advice is to order early."
Machine for sale in Toronto, February 2009 (photos by
Keith Wright).
Curiously, the soundbox has the Phonola trademark on it:
Canadian Music Trades Journal, April, 1917, p. 60. Announcement of the Symphonola phonograph to the music trade.
CMTJ, July, 1917, p. 64-65.
CMTJ, August, 1917, p. 86-87.
Betty Minaker Pratt supplies this ad from
Toronto Daily Star, Sept. 7, 1917, p. 18 asking for a man to take charge of office for the Symphonola factory, 31 Brock Ave.:
Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, September 1917, p. 50.
Toronto Daily Star, October 20, 1917, p. 2 (cropped by KW).
CMTJ, October, 1917, p. 54.
Toronto Daily Star, November 3, 1917, p. 2.
Toronto Daily Star, December 15, 1917, p. 6.
Toronto Daily Star, January 5, 1918, p. 2.
CMTJ, March, 1918, p. 88.
Toronto Daily Star, April 20, 1918 p. 2.
Toronto Daily Star, March 15, 1919 p. 4.
Toronto Daily Star, September 27, 1919 p. 2.
Toronto World, November 23, 1919, p. 38:
Morning Leader, December 15, 1921, p. 8. An advert for Mason and Risch that names two Symphonola models (mahogany and oak.
Richard Kuchinsky sends, "I am currently a resident (and
Condo Board member)of the Brock Lofts that were the original home for this company
(31 Brock Ave, Toronto)." And supplied this
photograph of the address in August, 2009.
Jeff Cook sends in the following pictures with the comments:
"I own a Symphonola
(see attachments) which has been in my family for many
years...It still plays quite well and is in excellent
This reproducer was for sale in Toronto in November,
2009. It reads 'The New Symphonola', 'Master of
Melody' and 'Toronto Canada'. I am assuming this is
the same marque. (Photo courtesy of Arthur
Zimmerman, hands courtesy of KW.)
In 2014, owner Jeff Clark kept open his Orono Antique Market long
enough for me to take these pictures. He was already
late for a family dinner. He also told me I'd be
disappointed when I opened it up. I was as there was
a modern electric turntable inside.
6,800 Square Foot Multi-Vendor Antique Market,
6 Park Street, Orono, P.O. Box 249, L0B 1M0.
(photos by Keith Wright)
A Symphonola for sale in Toronto in 2023.
Two more Symphonolas for sale through Facebook Marketplace in 2023. Photographs submitted by Mike Bryan.
An unusual upright model Symphonola for sale in Rimouski, Quebec in 2024.
A tabletop model Symphonola for sale in Shawinigan, Quebec in 2024.