There were several models of a phonograph labelled "Silver Bell, Montreal". There was also a phonograph labelled Golden Bell, Montreal that was clearly manufactured by the same company.
Montreal Star, January 31, 1922, p.8. A Silver Bell phonograph for sale at Layton Bros., Montreal, Quebec.
Montreal Star, September 13, 1922, p. 2. A Silver Bell phonograph for sale at Lindsay's, Montreal, Quebec.
The Province (Vancouver), December 14, 1923, p. 15. A Silver Bell phonograph for sale at Miller's Piano House, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Sherbrooke Daily Record, December 29, 1927, p. 4. A used Silver Bell phonograph for sale at H.C. Wilson and Sons, Sherbrooke, Quebec.
Toronto Daily Star, November 12, 1929, p. 24. Four bargain phonographs, including a Silver Bell, for sale at Tovell Radio Company, Toronto, Ontario.
A Silver Bell phonograph that sold at auction in Edmonton, Alberta in 2015.
A Silver Bell phonograph at the Villa Les Rochers, summer home of Sir John A. and Lady Agnes Macdonald. Photographed in July, 1917.
A Silver Bell phonograph for sale in Notre Dame des Prairies in 2023.