Sherlock Manning

Edward Moogk's Roll Back The Years on pg. 63 states: "During 1917, London , Ontario, began to get some of the [phonograph production] action...and the prestigious Sherlock-Manning Piano Company of London made an attempt to satisfy piano and phonograph lovers with a single offering. Its combination piece, introduced at the Canadian National Exhibition, consisted of a piano with an electric phonograph installed behind a sliding panel in much the same location as a player-piano roll."

Canadian Music Trades Journal, September 1917, p. 68.

Halifax Evening Mail, September 20, 1917, p. 12.

Roll Back The Years, p. 65: "Meanwhile, the Sherlock-Manning Piano Company of London, already in the market with its piano-phonograph combination line, announced a new phonograph "worthy of any home" and then went on to urge Londoners to "Stop look and listen--then Buy."

Canadian Music Trades Journal, December, 1918, p. 22.

CMTJ, September, 1919, p. 74. Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) in Toronto.

Machine owned by Ross Amos, Victoria, B.C. Looks like the model "Baby Grand" above:

Meisselbach Motor #9 from New Jersey.

Ross also mentioned: "$300.00 Retail? thats $4000 [in] 2016 dollars Explains the 3/4 inch solid Mahogany and the Heavy duty motor that looks like it could power a moped.[There is] a light with switch. Upon investigation I found a holder that looks like it would fit an old style Dry Cell. Photos attached. [below]
