The Premier phonograph was manufactured in Victoria, British Columbia.
Victoria Daily Times, August 9, 1923, p. 2: "The Premier Phonograph Company of this city, originally starting in a small way, now ships to markets in the prairies and other Eastern parts. There is a large demand for the local product in this line."
Victoria Daily Times, November 8, 1924, p. 20: "Premier Phonograph: A Local Industry - Short History of Its Growth.
"The manager of the company is P.E. George, born in London, England, who came to British Columbia to take up woodwork and contracting. In 1917 he conceived the idea of making phonographs, and worked out many ideas in his spare time. After twelve months' bench-work, he developed an excellent amplifier or horn made with British Columbia spruce, which has since been proclaimed by eastern manufacturers to be the most desirable wood for tone amplification in phonographs. In January 1918, he completed his first batch of six phonographs, and decided to name the phonograph "Premier", its protection being obtained for twenty-five years.
"No one, however, says Mr. George, seemed to wish a local phonograph, and a well-known business man here stated that phonographs could not be made in Victoria. When he saw my first sample he complimented me, but as the music stores in our city would not handle the "Premier", he got discouraged and took a position with the Foundation Company, Limited. Later, however, he started up again with more capital, and turned out a batch of fifty, receiving financial help from the Provincial Government, in the shape of an industrial loan, whith which he made arrangements with the Canadian Western Woodworkers, Limited, Garbally Road, to connect up with them and manufacture cabinets in large quantities. The plant at his disposal is capable of turning out up to one thousand phonographs per year. The cabinet-makers, being Old Country trained artisans, it is found, upon inspection, that all "Premiers" show the ear-mark of quality in cabinet work and material. The steady increase in output each year has been brought about in no small measure by the clear, mellow tone of the "Premier", which is now turned out in seven models, including the well-known Electrophone model, which has several features exclusively "Premier". We also make and stock a Radio phonograph which has become very popular.
"This plant was the first to manufacture phonographs for the market, west of Winnipeg, and are at present the only manufacturers of phonographs or radio phonographs in British Columbia, sending shipments to Edmonton, Vancouver, New Westminster, Kamloops, etc., etc. Every "Premier" manufactured by the Canadian Western Woodworkers, Limited, is thoroughly inspected in its course through the factory, and finally tested out on completion. Have also developed a repair department for the expert repair of all makes of phonographs. The "Premier" is made in three standard finishes, but special models are made to suit the purchaser.
"The general question put by the majority of the public: "Is the radio affecting the phonograph business?" The phonograph dealer and manufacturer can only answer that query, his steady increase in the sale of records, which is partly created by the Radio Broadcaster, who suggests these records to the public: and the large demand for phonographs seem to point out that the radio is not affecting phonograph sales. It is reasonable to expect that the public will have what music they wish, and radio broadcasting practically being confined to the evening hours, those round the house during the day fall back on the old reliable phonograph and its records. Galli-Curci, Caruso, Melba, Paderewski, etc., are only to be had on the phonograph record, thus one cannot help seeing that a great future for the manufacturer and dealer of high grade phonographs is assured. Mr. George believes that the big demand with be for the radio-phonograph combination, which will give the purchaser anything he may desire in music, addresses, etc. The phonograph is a household necessity today; it brings music to the home and increases the desire for good music.
"In conclusion, it can be said, owing to the fact of the "Premier" being a local product, that, as Abraham Lincoln once said: "I do not know much about the tariff, but this I do know: when we buy manufactured goods abroad, we get the goods and the foreigner gets the money. When we buy goods of home product we get both the goods and the money."
Victoria Daily Times, November 2, 1926, p. 15: "Mr. George resides at 3171 Mars Street, and is known locally in connection with the manufacture of Premier Phonographs, and is the proprietor of the Apex agency, 1609 Douglas Street."
Victoria Daily Times, May 5, 1920, p. 16. Marketing of the Premier began with this unobtrusive little classified advertisement.
Victoria Daily Times, July 28, 1920, p. 4.
Victoria Daily Times, August 23, 1920, p. 7 and p. 9.
Victoria Daily Times, September 15, 1920, p. 4.
Victoria Daily Times, December 20, 1920, p. 7.
Victoria Daily Times, August 9, 1921, p. 3.
Victoria Daily Times, December 1, 1922, p. 22.
Victoria Daily Times, November 8, 1924, p. 20.
Victoria Daily Times, April 22, 1925, p. 12.
A Victoria-made Premier phonograph for sale through Facebook Marketplace in Surrey, B.C. in 2024. The grille pattern matches the 1920 ad above. Submitted by Lance Husoy.