Canadian Furniture World and the Undertaker, April 1922, p. 48: "The Jewett Phonograph Co., of Canada Ltd., Windsor. Ont., was recently granted a federal charter to manufacture and deal in phonographs, records and other categories. Capital $950,000."
Talking Machine World, May 15, 1922, p. 95: "Announcement is made of the incorporation of the Jewett Phonograph Co., of Canada. Ltd., with headquarters in Windsor, Ont. This new
firm is capitalized at $950,000."
The Globe, May 29, 1922, p. 6: "Radio - the investment of today. From the original announcement that the human voice and music could be transmitted over vast distances by wireless, the improvements on sending and receiving apparatus have reached their most perfect form in a combination of an all-record phonograph and radio receiving machine. To produce these machines in Canada, under favorable circumstances, JEWETT RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS Limited has been formed."
Talking Machine World, June 15, 1922, p. 159: "A public offering of $400.000 capital stock of the Jewett Radio-Phonograph Co., Ltd. of Windsor, was made recently by a syndicate. The comany has acquired numerous patent claims in conection with wireless receiving apparatus used in combination with phonograph reproduction and amplifying of sound, and will specialize on the radio-phonograph."
Talking Machine World, August 15, 1922, p. 135: "The Jewett Phonograph Co., Ltd., of Canada, has been recently incorporated and will start business in December, with a capital of $400,000. The general offices and factory will be located at Walkerville, Ont. E. H. Wilkinson, who came to Detroit in May, 1921, from the Vocation Co. of New York, to act as production manager of the Jewett, and who is now general manager of the company has been elected assistant secreary of the company. He is also secretary of the Jewett Phonograph Co., Ltd., of Canada."
Talking Machine World, February 15, 1925, p. 188: "Jewett -Radio Phonograph, Ltd., Walkerville, Ont., has started to manufacture its new straight line, low -loss variable condenser, which is attracting considerable attention throughout the trade."
Toronto Daily Star, May 10, 1922, p. 8 - "An issue of $400,000 of capital stock of the Jewett Radio-Phonograph Ltd. is being offered for public subscription ... the head office is located at Windsor [Ontario], and a factory is established at Walkerville [Ontario] ... it will manufacture a radio-phonograph which will have a complete wireless receiving set, as well as an all record phonograph, in the same cabinet."
TDS, May 10, 1922, p. 23
TDS, May 17, 1922, p. 8
TDS, May 20, 1922, p. 9 - "The company has numerous patent claims, and will specialize in the manufacture of a combination phonograph and radio machine."
Globe, May 29, 1922, p. 6
Windsor Star, July 14, 1922, p. 13
Kingston Daily Standard, July 21, 1922, p. 10
Vancouver Sun, July 30, 1922, p. 20
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, November 21, 1925, p. 17
TDS, January 12, 1928, p. 22 - Simpson's clearance ad including a mahogany console Jewett phonograph.