
Talking Machine World, December 1916, p. 19: "The Dominion Phonograph Co., 93 Niagara St., Toronto, has recently registered."

The National Casket Company Factories occupied the buildings at 89-109 Niagara Street, Toronto, from 1906 to 1916. They were promoted as the largest funeral supply house in Canada. In 1916, Dominion Manufacturing Company purchased the property and continued the manufacturing of coffins for another 57 years. The newly-formed Dominion Phonograph Company, a subsidiary of the Dominion Manufacturing Company, manufactured phonographs for several years from its location at 93 Niagara Street. Their retail store was at 53 Cecil Street, near College and Spadina, where in August 1917 they advertised the sale of Majestic phonographs. (See Majestic page).

Norman Brooks sent photographs of a machine labelled Dominion Phonograph Co., Toronto, Canada.

Cdn Furniture World & Undertaker, August 1917. Supplied by Norman Brooks. Majestic phonographs were sold by Dominion Phonograph Company from their store at 53 Cecil Street, near College and Spadina. (See Majestic page).

Toronto Daily Star, October 24, 1918, p. 15. A Dominion phonograph for sale at the Thomas Claxton store, 251 Yonge St., Toronto.

TDS, February 7, 1919, p. 20. A typical classified ad during 1919 selling a phonograph from 53 Cecil Street, the Dominion Phonograph Company's retail location.

TDS, October 10, 1919, p. 17.

TDS, May 21, 1920, p. 18.

TDS, May 26, 1920, p. 18.

TDS, October 13, 1920, p. 17.

Ottawa Citizen, April 15, 1921, p. 4. Another company in Canada used the name Dominion for its phonographs. On April 15, 1921, The Dominion Music Co. Limited announced that they had opened a store at 76-78 Rideau Street, Ottawa.

Ottawa Citizen, April 29, 1921, p. 18. Two weeks later they announced their Dominion Phonograph, Made in Ottawa.

Ottawa Citizen, May 12, 1921, p. 3.

Ottawa Citizen, November 1, 1921, p. 10. A third company, also in Ottawa, named Dominion Phonograph Co., advertised Victor records at its shop at 151 Sparks Street, Ottawa.

Ottawa Journal, December 30, 1921, p. 3.

Ottawa Citizen, February 10, 1922, p. 13. In February, 1922, the Dominion Phonograph Shop went out of business.
